Personal Information Policy Terms of Service Refund policy

Refund policy

1. When 7 days or more have elapsed since payment ~ If the learning activity has not begun before the end of the learning session, a refund will be paid after subtracting the default penalty. *Default penalty: 10% of the amount paid. 2. If the learning activity has already begun, the refund is made as follows: 1) Refund will be paid after subtracting the cost of contents (based on the learning progress rate) (rounded down to 10 won) Refund amount = amount paid X (100 ? progress rate) / 100) (ex. If the amount paid is 100,000 won and the rate of progress is 30%, 100,000*(100-30)/100 = 70,000 won (to be refunded.) 2) The rate of progress is the ratio of the completed classes against total lectures. It is automatically calculated by the i:MOOC system. 3) The refund amount is to be paid to the bank account designated by the customer within 1 week of receiving the refund application. In the case of a card payment, when you pay the tuition fee after subtracting the refund amount from the initial payment amount (Woori Bank 1005-603-312534, Carrot Solutions), the total amount will be cancelled. Depending on the card payment date, the refund may be made the following month.